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Many of us know all too well what it feels like to suffer or have a loved one suffering from an untreated mental illness. As a young girl, I grew up in a single parent home with just my mother and myself. 

We were always well aware of the mental illness, specifically paranoid schizophrenia, that ran in our family. I have vivid memories of my aunt sharing her fear of constantly being followed or being convinced that her dentist had planted a microphone in her teeth. 

Due to lack of knowledge, lack of proper health insurance and the large stigma against speaking out about mental health, my aunt never did get the care she needed and deserved. 

My aunt has been missing for over 15 years now. Sadly my mother has fallen victim to the same illness and has not been treated. 

Unfortunately, many families in my community share similar stories. 

 Mental health is often not addressed, particularly in marginalized communities and it's time for that to change.  I participate in NAMIWALKs as a way to take action.


The annual NAMIWalks event connects our community to the life-changing mental health programs and resources that NAMI offers.


Won’t you be NAMIWalks, too, by donating generously to this effort? You can do it right here on my personal walk page. 


NAMI needs your contribution, with your donation, they’ll keep their free top-rated programs operating at full strength and continue to build awareness for our cause. 


“Mental Health for All” is the event’s rallying call, and it will take all of us to reach our goal. Thank you!






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