Successes this last legislative session include:
Money for pilot programs for voluntary engagement. This is aimed at people with serious mental illness who appear to be on a path that could end in commitment. It provides for staff to approach, develop relationship with these people and encourage them to accept voluntary treatment, thereby avoiding an uncomfortable, adversarial process.
Additional money for school-linked mental health grants: These programs are clinics within the schools. It has been a very successful program that enables children to receive therapy who might not otherwise. Parents do not have to miss work to transport their children to therapy. This continues to grow the program.
Ban on excited delirium training for police officers. This label which is not supported by medical experts, has fostered aggressive treatment by police officers--not good for the mentally ill or police officers.
A pilot program to support jails in providing long-acting injectable antipsychotic medication for people in jails with mental illness.
And much, much more! NAMI Minnesota supports our patients and our profession. We must support NAMI Minnesota!