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As many of you already know NAMI's mission, to create a tomorrow where all people affected by mental illness can experience hope, recovery and wellness in a world free of stigma, is something that is very near and dear to me. 

My son, Fin, has Borderline Personality Disorder, and his mental illness has taken center stage for our whole family for many years. Several years ago I began penning a memoir to tell my story as a parent of a child and now adult with mental illness.  Since then I've found a publisher and become a mental health advocate telling my story to all size groups and in all types of venues.  

Last spring I was fortunate to speak at the NAMI NJ Annual Meeting giving a talk entitled "Building Strong Boundaries".  I  was so impressed with NAMI NJ and have since become a trained facilitator for their Educating the Educator program where I will go into schools to educate professionals and share NAMI resources. 

I am walking in NAMIWalks this year to pledge my commitment to mental wellness for all, to support NAMI programs, and to raise funds to ensure they continue.  

My team, Searching for Slippers, is also the name of my memoir due out in January, 2025.  The title speaks to the search for a lighter, more peaceful, and more balanced life even when coping with the challenges faced by all those affected by mental illness.  

I hope you will join me by donating, joining my team, or both, at this year's NAMIWalks!.









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