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Thank you for joining the NAMIWalks Indiana 65 Miles in August Challenge! The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI Indiana promotes awareness of mental health, reduces stigma, raises funds for NAMI’s free, top-rated mental health programs, and builds a supportive community where no one feels alone. By participating in this challenge, you raise awareness and essential funds for NAMI Indiana.

How It Works:

  1. Join NAMIWalks Indiana: Sign up and earn your first donation to receive your NAMI Indiana mental health advocate pin.
    • First Donation: $25 raised to receive your custom NAMI Indiana mental health advocate pin. 
  2. Connect with our Strava Group: Track your miles and cheer on other participants in the “NAMIWalks Indiana 65 Miles in August” Strava group.
  3. Move a Total of 65 Miles and Collect Donations for Mental Illness
    • As you log miles, encourage your friends and family to match your movement with a donation to NAMI Indiana. 
    • Raise $65: Earn your soft, NAMI Indiana affirmation t-shirt when you reach the fundraising goal.
    • Move 65 Miles & Raise $65: Special recognition as a member of the 130 Club for participants who fulfill the mileage and fundraising goal by September 1.


  • NAMI Indiana Mental Health Advocate Pin: Available upon your first $25 donation.
  • NAMI Indiana Cozy Affirmation T-shirt: Earned by raising $65.
  • 130 Club SWAG Basket: Given to participants who track 65 miles and raise $65!






Mental health
affects everyone.

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